Inferno sand is a dark coloured sand which looks very natural and very similar to the kinds of silt and mud substrates which we encounter in aquatic habitats. This sand would be ideal for a biotope aquarium representing lakes, rivers, pools and streams from the Amazon, West Africa or tropical Asia. It’s slightly reddish tint will bring warmth and depth to the display while the mix of grain sizes not only makes it look natural, but allows for easy planting and lets fish such as cichlids and catfish dig or sift through it. It could also be used to great effect in an aquascape, especially when combined with bright green plants.
Please, follow our recommendations to enjoy our sands:
- All our sands are pre-washed though we recommend rinsing sands with water before use to remove remaining dust and particles to avoid buoyancy of particles on the water fill up.
- Sands that contain calcium may alter the pH and kH. This can be especially pronounced if you have acidic water or CO2 addition. You can easily control it by regular water changes with osmotic or soft water. You can also use a water softener.
Does not affect water hardness.
Size mix from 0,1 - 2mm
WIO skaper og leverer unike og naturlige miljøer som gjenoppretter forbindelsen mellom mennesker og natur, samtidig som de fremmer velvære. Deres løsninger bygger på naturens prinsipper og gir effektive, selvbærende og bærekraftige økosystemer som er enkle å vedlikeholde. De ønsker å bringe naturens skjønnhet til akvarier og berike opplevelsen av levende landskap. Å bevare og hedre naturen er deres viktigste arv, og de deler dens uerstattelige verdi med sine kunder.