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Norsk Nettbutikk | Superrask levering | Stort varelager

Wio Forest Tree Arboretum L H:35-50cm

2-3 ukers leveringstid
Art.nr: 71160430
Gir 35 bonuspoeng ved kjøp
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The Forest Tree collection is a game-changer for creating breathtaking forest sceneries in your aquarium or terrarium. Made from natural wood materials, each tree is handcrafted with precision and attention to detail, ensuring that every tree is unique and authentic.

One of the most impressive features of the Forest Tree collection is its versatility. The size, height, and thickness of each tree can be varied to create forests with great depth and complexity. This allows for a more personalized and natural-looking display, making it easy to create a unique forest environment in any size tank or terrarium.

In addition to its versatility, the Forest Tree collection is also rich in shapes and sizes. Available in S, M, and L sizes, this collection offers greater mixing options, making it easier to create the perfect forest environment. Each piece is mounted on a slate stone base, providing a sturdy foundation for the trees, and making it easy to place and arrange them in your aquarium or terrarium.

The forest-like setting created by the Forest Tree collection provides a more stimulating environment for inhabitants, promoting exploration and activity. The added complexity of the forest also creates more hiding spots, providing a sense of safety and security for animals.

The Forest Tree collection is not only beautiful but also durable, ensuring that it will last for years to come. It not only creates a stunning forest environment but also provides a natural and stimulating environment for your animals.

  • Key Points

    - Vary the size, height, and thickness of trees to create forests with great depth and complexity.

    - Use in combination with other natural décor items to create a unique and authentic environment.

    - Provides a stimulating environment for inhabitants and creates a sense of safety and security with more hiding spots.

    - Combine with other Arboretum collections for a true forest setting with great depth and complexity

    - Easy to place and arrange due to the slate stone base.

    - The canopy structure allows for aquatic plants or terrestrial creeping plants to grow, adding an extra layer of greenery and beauty to your nature creations.

  • Characteristics

    - Material: Natural wood

    - Base: Slate stone base for stability

    - Sizes: Available in S, M, and L sizes

    - Durability: Durable and long-lasting

    - Made from natural wood materials

    - Handcrafted: in Barcelona with precision and attention to detail

    - Rich in shapes and sizes

  • Usage

    • It can be used in both aquatic and terrarium environments.
    • Should be fastened to avoid buoyancy until waterlog.
    • Pre-washed for your convenience. You may rinse it with water before adding it to your aquarium to remove any remaining dust or particles to avoid buoyancy. 
    • It may release a small amount of tannins into the water.
    • Safe for fish, shrimps, and other aquatic animals



WIO skaper og leverer unike og naturlige miljøer som gjenoppretter forbindelsen mellom mennesker og natur, samtidig som de fremmer velvære. Deres løsninger bygger på naturens prinsipper og gir effektive, selvbærende og bærekraftige økosystemer som er enkle å vedlikeholde. De ønsker å bringe naturens skjønnhet til akvarier og berike opplevelsen av levende landskap. Å bevare og hedre naturen er deres viktigste arv, og de deler dens uerstattelige verdi med sine kunder.

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