- Natural riverbed substrate
- Especially rich in colour
- Does not harden water
- In 3 different grain sizes
- Ideal for riverbed impressions
Elderly Gravel from the manufacturer WIO is a natural river gravel with numerous colour variations in a balanced mixture. This substrate can be used to create a very natural atmosphere in the aquarium. A mixture of the different grain sizes creates a depth effect in the scape and makes the layout look very organic.
Elderly Gravel goes perfectly with Elderly Stone and Elderly Boulders. In combination, they can be used to create attractive mountain slopes or to bring out fine details of the landscape. In particular, the combination with Heaven Sand should be emphasised, with the help of which fascinating contrasts can be created.The smallest grain size can be used as the sole substrate for the aquarium.
Gravel is usually a passive substrate that does not provide nutrients for the aquarium plants. Therefore, when setting up with gravel as the sole substrate, the use of substrate fertiliser may be necessary. Fertiliser balls or tablets can be used to enrich specific parts of the aquarium with nutrients, so that especially plants with strong roots, such as cryptocorynes, can benefit from this.
WIO skaper og leverer unike og naturlige miljøer som gjenoppretter forbindelsen mellom mennesker og natur, samtidig som de fremmer velvære. Deres løsninger bygger på naturens prinsipper og gir effektive, selvbærende og bærekraftige økosystemer som er enkle å vedlikeholde. De ønsker å bringe naturens skjønnhet til akvarier og berike opplevelsen av levende landskap. Å bevare og hedre naturen er deres viktigste arv, og de deler dens uerstattelige verdi med sine kunder.