Druid stones are a high-impact choice for creating stunning aquascapes and terrariums. Their textured and dark appearance makes them perfect for creating an aged, primordial atmosphere. They also work well as part of a stream biotope, adding a naturalistic touch to your display.
The highly detailed texture of Druid stones makes them an ideal support for mosses and epiphytic plants, creating a natural-looking environment for your aquatic pets. As an inert stone, Druid does not affect water hardness, making it a safe and easy choice for your aquarium or terrarium.
Druid stones are made of volcanic igneous rock, with irregular forms and holes that add to their natural appearance.
Boulder Set Box
Perfectly suited for tanks up to 60 cm, our Boulder Set Box delivers depth and character to your scapes. Crafted with precision and expertise, this set includes a mix of boulders in various sizes:
- 1 XL Boulder (+20cm)
- 2 L Boulders (+15cm)
- 3 M Boulders (+10cm)
- 1 Bag of Nano Rocks (1.5-2Kg)
With a weight range of 6-12 kg, our Boulder Set Box provides the perfect balance of size and quantity for creating stunning compositions in smaller setups.
- It can be used in both aquatic and terrarium environments.
- Rinse rocks and stones with water before use. Use a brush to clean it before introducing the stones in the aquarium.
- Avoid placing rocks directly on the glass as they can be very heavy and sharp. Instead, place substrate or our LandForms before placing the hardscape to help fix the exact stone position with more freedom.
- Always secure the stones, especially when placing one rock on top of another, you can do so with our ScapeBound, as the top rock may move or fall during regular maintenance, harming your dwellers or even breaking the aquarium.
- Position stones a few centimeters/inches away from aquarium glass walls to facilitate maintenance.
- Safe for fish, shrimps, and other aquatic animals
WIO skaper og leverer unike og naturlige miljøer som gjenoppretter forbindelsen mellom mennesker og natur, samtidig som de fremmer velvære. Deres løsninger bygger på naturens prinsipper og gir effektive, selvbærende og bærekraftige økosystemer som er enkle å vedlikeholde. De ønsker å bringe naturens skjønnhet til akvarier og berike opplevelsen av levende landskap. Å bevare og hedre naturen er deres viktigste arv, og de deler dens uerstattelige verdi med sine kunder.