Inspired by the cold glacier waters of Lake McDonald in the USA. Although so much of our decor and substrate materials are inspired by tropical habitats, the temperate world has much to offer! Our Glacier substrate is a carefully selected blend of gravel and pebbles, inspired by the mountain lakes of North America.
This richly coloured and engaging substrate is perfect for rheophilic or lentic biotopes or for adding detail and gradients to aquascapes.
The Biotope Beds is comprised of sand and gravel blends which we have developed after careful study of natural habitats around the world. This means we have looked at the colour, composition, gradients and geology of aquatic habitats and used this knowledge to create authentic and natural style substrates which will be especially useful for those interested in developing biotopes, but which could also find a home in aquascapes and emersed displays.
100% natural material - non-toxic choice for your aquarium decor.
Does not affect water hardness. Easy to manipulate and spread in your aquarium.
Size mix from 0,1 - 5 cm.'

WIO skaper og leverer unike og naturlige miljøer som gjenoppretter forbindelsen mellom mennesker og natur, samtidig som de fremmer velvære. Deres løsninger bygger på naturens prinsipper og gir effektive, selvbærende og bærekraftige økosystemer som er enkle å vedlikeholde. De ønsker å bringe naturens skjønnhet til akvarier og berike opplevelsen av levende landskap. Å bevare og hedre naturen er deres viktigste arv, og de deler dens uerstattelige verdi med sine kunder.