- Bryter ned organisk avfall.
- Eliminerer slam og detritus raskt og effektivt.
- Bidrar til å gi krystallklart vann.
- Passer både ferskvann og saltvannsakvarier.
Pristine™ er en sammensetning av naturlige og organiske bakterier som bryter ned avfall, og gir et rent og krystallklart vann av høyere kvalitet. Bakteriene bryter lett ned overskuddet av mat, avfall og detritus i ferskvann og saltvannsakvarier.
Den bidrar også til å redusere verdiene av giftige stoffer, slik som ammoniakk, nitritt og nitrat, som i store mengder kan forårsake sykdom i akvariet. Pristine™ gjør samtidig vannet krystallklart og øker den generelle velvære for akvariets beboere.
Pristine™ består av en unik sammensetning spesielt utvalgte bakterier som er meget hardføre og som vil tilpasse seg ethvert akvarieforhold.
Rist flasken godt før bruk. Skru av eventuell UV lys. Tilfør 1 målekork (5 ml) per 40 liter akvarievann ved førstegangsbruk. Deretter vedlikeholder man verdiene ved å tilføre 1 målekork (5 ml) per 80 liter akvarievann ved tilførsel av ny fisk i akvariet, eller dersom man har forstyrrelser i filtreringssystemet (f.eks. ved større vannbytter, filterrens eller medisinering).
La gjerne bakteriene etablere seg i 2-3 dager før man skrur på en eventuell UV belysning igjen.
Produktet har en levetid på 4 år etter produksjonsdato.

Seachem’s philosophy is that the knowledgeable hobbyist makes the best customer. This is reflected in solid and reliable customer education and support as well as products proven in science and performance. While Seachem has grown rapidly into a national and international firm, it retains the culture of a small company and is readily available to its customers.
For over 40 years, Seachem has been a company rooted in sound science. Our experience in the hobby and an educated staff of chemists and biologists are part of the package when you purchase Seachem products. Seachem remains as one of the few surviving independent and privately owned pet care companies. Seachem is owned and operated by hobbyists. All of our employees are hobbyists who maintain aquariums at home and at the office. Seachem itself was started because one such passionate hobbyist - Dr. Leo G. Morin (Founder) - recognized that the available solutions to aquarists' problems were wanting. This resulted in Seachem’s very first product: Cupraplex™ (today known as Cupramine™). Over thirty years later, Seachem is still approaching old problems in a new way.
Seachem has been in business over 40 years and is now sold
in over 60 countries worldwide.
Innovation means approaching old problems in a new way. Seachem doesn’t simply repackage old ideas, nor do we package new ideas that require the suspension of fundamental physical or chemical principles. We offer truly innovative solutions that work better than competing products and save money through increased efficiency and concentration. Seachem products have been and continue to be based on sound science. They now cover the full spectrum of aquarium requirements in freshwater, seawater, reefs, and ponds as well as herpetological and avian husbandry. They include buffers, conditioners, filtration media, medications, and test kits. The JurassiPet® line includes foods, nutritive supplements, and products for enclosure maintenance and parasite control. Most of Seachem’s products are totally unique and specific to Seachem. With our premium line, aquavitro®, our goal is to have a line that is an outlet for rapid response to the advent of new technologies and information as they arise, something we couldn’t do with the very well established Seachem line. We’ve distilled the essential components of reef keeping and plant keeping into a no compromises, rigorously optimized product line, and added conditioners and filtration that outperform the already high standards we've set with the Seachem line. We’re committed to maintaining that optimization.