Schego M2K3 membranpumpe er ekstremt pålitelig i kontinuerlig drift og er preget av svært stillegående gange.
Luftpumpen har lite vibrasjoner og er utrolig stabil.
Tekniske data:
- Strøm 230V
- Effekt 5W
- Kapasitet 350 liter pr. time
- Kabellengde 1m
- Luftpumpen er ikke justerbar
- Mål: 160x75x60mm
Quality air pump for aquariums and ponds from Germany, very quiet diaphragm pump.
Liters / hour: 350
Wattage: 5
Adjustable air flow: Yes

Life in the aquarium is inconceivable without oxygen. Apart from further prerequisites such as heat and light, Schego membrane pumps contribute decisively to an aquarium becoming a habitat. Air is life.
Oxygen is vitally necessary for fish and primitive sea species in the aquarium, for they have no CO2 respiration. Leading experts also recommend oxygen as remedy for the regeneration of diseased fish. Nevertheless, pure oxygen should not be provided as this can act toxically. Schego offers membrane pumps for aeration or use in filter systems and protein skimmers. This guarantees keeping the animals in a species-appropriate environment in the aquarium.
All Schego membrane pumps work extremely reliably in continuous operation and are characterized by very quiet running, they have little vibration and are stable. Thanks to more than 60 years experience, high-quality and careful processing are a matter of course – naturally ”Made in Germany”.
Different performance types with an air delivery of 100 l/h to 350 l/h are available. Long-life
membranes, easily changeable prefilters, transparent housing with suspension are additional plus points with all Schego membrane pumps.
Schego pumps for battery connection enable a supply of oxygen where no mains power is available.
These pumps have been developed for fish and live foods transport. Fish suffer from lack of oxygen during long lasting transports, especially in the summer months, so that the tanks must be aerated. Connecting the air pump to the car battery or to the cigarette lighter is suitable in this case. Therefore the approved 12 V pumps are available with a mounted car battery plug.
In recent years power supply by means of solar cells, especially in the leisure area, has become increasingly popular. Schego pumps in combination with solar cells are very well suited for this application and have proved their worth.