- Bushy growth
- Fine-leaved
- LIght green to light pink hues
Rotala sp. "Nanjenshan" is a fine-leaved plant with a very bushy growth habit. It comes from Taiwan, where it has only been found in one single location near the town of Nanjenshan. With its millimetre-thick lineal leaves it reminds a lot of Rotala wallichii, but unlike the latter, it is of a light green colour, sometimes with reddish shoot tips. Under lots of light, horizontal to overhanging lateral shoots will form. It was erroneously called "Mayaca sellowiana", although there is no connection with this Mayaca species. It may look a bit like it, but it is not related. The plant grows to a wide bush when the conditions are favourable. The bushy growth habit can be greatly enhanced by trimming. Rotala sp. "Nanjenshan" grows best under relatively strong light and the addition of CO2.
Rotala sp. "Nanjenshan" is a delicate fine-leaved plant originating from Taiwan, where it has only been found in a single location near Nanjenshan. In 1993 it was introduced by Dennerle. Up to now, the species affiliation of this Rotala could not be identified, as it has not been known to fruit. Fruit, however, are crucial for identifying Rotala species. According to the Plant Finder on APC, it might be a natural hybrid of Rotala rotundifolia and R. wallichii; what can be said is that these two species are indeed found on Taiwan island.
R. sp. "Nanjenshan" is well-established in aquaristics and can be obtained in trade quite easily. The location name is often misspelled ("Nanjean", "Najean").
This Rotala was originally introduced under the erroneous name "Mayaca sellowiana", which is the reason why many people assume that this name is a synonym of R. sp. "Nanjenshan -
Family Lythraceae Genus Rotala Difficulty medium Usage Midground Aquascaping fine-leaved Growth fast pH value 4 - 7 Temperature tolerance 4 - 32°C Carbonate hardness 0 - 21°dKH General hardness 0 - 30°dGH Propagation Cuttings Can grow emersed? yes Source
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