Monosolenium tenerum Invitro
Monosolenium tenerum is a nice dark green liverwort from the Asian subtropics. It grows to impressive large cushions consisting of forking shoots. This liverwort was originally brought onto the market under the erroneous name Pellia endiviifolia, and it is often mixed up with Lomariopsis lienata, a fern prothallium.
Monosolenium tenerum is a beautiful, dark green liverwort originating from warm-temperate to subtropic areas of northern India, Nepal, Eastern Asia and Hawaii. There it is found on moist, shaded ground rich in nitrogen. It is quite rare in nature but can be more frequently found in settlements. This plant debuted as an aquarium moss in 2002, when it got well-known in the hobby, at first under the (false) name of Pellia endiviifolia. In the following year it was identified as Monosolenium tenerum by bryologist Prof. S.R. Gradstein (Goettingen University).
It is often confused with the so-called suesswassertang, a fern prothallium. For distinction, please see "Lomariopsis cf. lineata, 'Suesswassertang'".
M. tenerum could be described as a significantly larger, darker version of Riccia fluitans. (read more)
Synonyms | Cyathodium tenerum Steph., Dumortieropsis liukiuensis Horikawa |
Misapplied names | Pellia endiviifolia |
Complete botanical name | Monosolénium ténerum Griffith |
Family | Monosoleniaceae |
Genus | Monosolenium |
Difficulty | easy |
Usage | Epiphyte (growing on hardscape), Nano tanks, Foreground, group |
Growth | medium |
pH value | 5 - 7 |
Temperature tolerance | 18 - 26°C |
Carbonate hardness | 0 - 14°dKH |
General hardness | 0 - 30°dGH |
Propagation | Splitting, cutting off daughter plants |
Can grow emersed? | yes |
Akvarieboden Planter
Planter fra grossist i Nederland , Danmark Tropica og Polen
Plantene holder høy kvalitet
mye spesielle planter som ikke er vanlig i handel i Norge
Vanskelighetsgrad | Enkel |