- Mosslike delicate stem plant
- Very dense foliage
- Light green coloration'
Mayaca fluviatilis, or stream bogmoss, is distributed in the subtropical and tropical areas of the Americas, from the southeast of the USA to Argentine. This finely-structured mosslike stem plant grows emersed as well as submersed and is frequently found on the banks of blackwater rivulets. M. fluviatilis is quite variable, there are various forms with slightly differing characteristics.
In the aquarium it prefers soft water with an acidic pH, however, it can be kept in harder water, too. It is a great indicator plant for iron - in the case of a deficiency, its shoot tips fade to a very pale green, which can easily be remedied by supplementing iron, though A well-balanced nutrient supply is very important for its cultivation. It also needs ample CO2 and good lighting.Synonyms Mayaca aubletii Michaux Complete botanical name Mayáca fluviátilis Aubl. Family Mayacaceae Genus Mayaca Difficulty medium Usage Background, Midground, Nano tanks Aquascaping fine-leaved Growth fast pH value 4 - 7 Temperature tolerance 18 - 30°C Carbonate hardness 0 - 6°dKH General hardness 0 - 30°dGH Propagation Cuttings Can grow emersed? yes
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