Ludwigia Senegalensis Guinea (meget sjelden)
Trenger meget godt lys for å få frem rød fargen
Husk plantene er dyrket tørt .og dem farger ut under vann med rett gjødsel. planten blir rød/orange
Ludwigia senegalensis
This attractive plant displays small oval-teardrop shaped leaves that are orange to red in colour, with a fine marbled pattern over the leaf surface and lighter central vein. Ludwigia Senegalensis creates an eye-catching midground feature with its unique appearance.
This plant is difficult to grow and not recommended for beginners. It requires intense lighting, regular fertilisation of macro and micro nutrients, soft water and good flow so plant sparsely. Under these required growing conditions, CO2 injection is highly recommended.
Akvarieboden Planter
Planter fra grossist i Nederland , Danmark Tropica og Polen
Plantene holder høy kvalitet
mye spesielle planter som ikke er vanlig i handel i Norge