Dobbeltsidig akvariebakgrunn som vil se fantastisk ut i ethvert akvarium og skaper et fantastisk miljø for fisken din 30 cm høy 60 cm lang Leveres med Seaview Backing Gel/lim som hjelper til med å opprettholde en feilfri og levende visning av akvariebakgrunnen
Spike/Amazonia Aquarium background + seaview backing gel
This double sided backing looks absolutely stunning in the aquarium therefore helping you to create your perfect environment
Both sides of this double aquarium background have plants on which then adds the aquascaped effect to any aquarium .
One side is more rock orientated and one is more wood focused and adding the white background suggests space . Both sides have some exciting plants as part of the image and you can almost see them swaying in the current
Each Spike/Amazonia Aquarium background is available in 3 pre-packed sizes :
Larger lengths are available which come on a roll . Your local aquatic store who supports our brand will therefore be able to order these in.
About the Gel
The Spike/Amazonia Aquarium background comes complete with a tube of seaview backing gel .
Seaview backing gel helps to maintain a flawless and vivid view of your aquarium background. Seaview Gel creates a proper seal to eliminate bubbles, ripples and light refraction that makes aquarium backgrounds appear faded or fouled. Easy to reply and removable for convenient background changes.
Completely nontoxic – use SeaView with freshwater or saltwater aquariums, whether glass or acrylic.
1 oz SeaView gel treats up to a 75 gallon aquarium

Hugo Kamishi™ hails from Lake Ashinoko in the Hakone area of Kanagawa Prefecture in Honshū, Japan, famous for it’s hot springs and spectacular views of Mount Fuji.
The tranquillity of the lake is often a catalyst for new designs and products.
Being able to totally clear your mind to focus on nature and beauty is a fantastic gift and Hugo has great pleasure in being able to parcel up a little of this wonder in the form of aquarium décor.
The products in the Hugo Kamishi™ range are synonymous with quality and design and will go a long way in making your Aquatic Environment look as peaceful and tranquil as you desire. The Hugo range changes with the seasons and allows new colours and themes to be experimented with throughout the year. The range itself includes a wide selection of imitation plants made from a selection of materials, coloured and natural gravels, decorative stones and ornaments.
Fish keeping is not just a hobby;
it should change our lives. Fishkeeping will teach us to appreciate the simple things in life, re-enforce the art of care and responsibility and last but not least, remind us how to accept and appreciate living beings.
Designer Aquarium Ornaments, Fish Tanks and Accessories
All Hugo nominated stockists are bonafide retailers with a wealth of knowledge on how to get the best out of the fishkeeping Hobby. Fish keeping should be a hobby which lasts a life time and should bring great joy to all participants. By supporting your local store you can ensure that you gain the best advise, up to date knowledge on new technology and you can build a long lasting relationship as you travel on your fish keeping journey.