Echinodorus 'Rainers Felix'
- Small, very decorative swordplant
- Striking red-brown blotch pattern on light-green ground
- Also recommendable for small aquariums
This mutation of E. 'Ozelot Green' named Echinodorus 'Rainers Felix' originates from the former aquatic plant nursery ZooLogiCa (Altlandsberg near Berlin) and was selected by Tomas Kaliebe. It was introduced on the market in 2002. Its name refers to the nursery owner Rainer Leidtholdt. The plant resembles the variety E. 'Rainers Kitty', which is a mutation of E. 'Ozelot' ist.
E. 'Rainers Felix' stays rather small and grows only 10 to 20 cm in height, and has a distinct reddish-brown/light-green spotted pattern.
The submersed leaves have 10 to 25 cm long and 2 to 4.5 cm wide blades on short stalks.

Akvarieboden Planter
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