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Norsk Nettbutikk | Superrask levering | Stort varelager

Dennerle Natural Gravel Okavango L 8-12 mm - 500 gr

På lager: 8
Art.nr: 3250
Gir 15 bonuspoeng ved kjøp
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Natural Gravel Okavango
Natural gravel for freshwater aquaria 
• Natural gravel for aquarium design 
• For natural and creative accents
• Light and CO2 resistant
• Matches:  Pebble stones, Mini landscape, 
Bright pagoda, Grey Rock
• Suitable for all aquarium inhabitants
Grain size: 8 - 12 mm | 0.31 - 0.47 in.



Find out more about us through our company brochure.


Dennerle offers products for the aquarist that can do more than merely fight symptoms. We likewise ensure that even at the production stage, natural resources are used sparingly. But it should also be possible to use the products themselves in an environmentally sustainable way – for example by having an above-average lifespan (e.g. Trocal) or by using concentrates to reduce packaging waste (e.g. water care). We design functioning, coordinated products which are oriented towards maintaining the natural cycle and are harmless to the environment, people and animals. In doing so we make it possible to experience a bit of nature at home in a sustainable way.


The „aquarium“ ecosystem – complex but not complicated.

Every aquarium is a biological system, the individual factors of which are inextricably linked. According to the Dennerle philosophy, the foundation of an aquarium is healthy plant growth, because the plants constantly remove harmful substances from the water and simultaneously produce the oxygen that the fish need to survive. Since 1966, Dennerle has taken a holistic view of the aquarium ecosystem in order to easily replicate the biological cycles as a functioning system equivalent to natural processes. Our coordinated products form a system with which underwater landscapes are easy and safe to care for.

Dennerle - since 1966

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