Corydoras pauciradiatus
General info about Sixray corydoras
Corydoras pauciradiatus is pale in color and has dark spots all over its body, its average size is 1.1 inches. They have the ability to tilt their eyes which looks like blinking. These fish are facultative air breathers, they have a highly vascularized intestine that facilitates uptake of atmospheric oxygen so they will often go to the surface for a gulp of air. Due to the ability for breathing atmospheric air, the aquarium should have a cover and the tank shouldn’t be filled to the top.
To keep this species in captivity, water pH should be between 6.0 and 7.2 and water temperature should range from 72ºF and 77ºF . The tank should have a sandy substrate, plants and hiding places. These fish can be kept in community aquariums and should be kept in groups of at least 5.

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