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Cardisoma Armatum xl

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Cardisoma Armatum


How to feed the Rainbow Crab?

Crabs are omnivorous animals that feed on plants or waste (leftover food...). In captivity, distribute large mussel moreau, fish flesh, mosquito larvae, vegetables (salad and boiled spinach), granules... If the morels are too small, he may be reluctant to take them (he does not eat the particles, for example).

If your crab attacks your plants, offer more vegetables in his meals.

In order to supplement their diet, we recommend that you provide extra calcium, for example by providing cuttlefish bones or egg shells.


What kind of behavior does the Rainbow Crab have?

This crab comes into action at night. This is the best time to feed it because in the wild it is a nocturnal scavenger.

It spends most of its time out of the water. It digs burrows in the sand in the open sea and often takes refuge there. Overall it's quite active. However, it is also very at ease in the water and will submerge regularly.

Tricolour crabs periodically change their carapace, which is how they grow. They are said to moult. The abandoned molt is the exact copy of the crab but is completely translucent. Just after a molt, the new shell is a little soft but will harden in a few hours. The crab is vulnerable during this period, and will try to hide while waiting for its armour to be ready! Finally, note that it is after a moult that the females are fertile.


Who can live with the Rainbow Crab?

The tricolor crab is very aggressive. We recommend a specific aquarium for this species.

In the wild, it is a rather solitary crab. It does not tolerate very well the presence of its congeners with whom it is territorial. It will be necessary to provide 1 specimen per 50 cm² for maintenance in a working group, with several females for only one male per aquaterrarium. Below that, the fights can be very violent and very spectacular.

This crab is quite capable of attacking fish, other crustaceans or molluscs.


How to breed the Rainbow Crab?

Unknown in freshwater aquariums. The larvae must be born in fresh water to pass into salt water during their development. As they grow, the young return to fresh water. By following this natural protocol, it is possible to successfully reproduce this species in captivity, but the implementation is difficult.

Its paludarium

Which paludarium for the Rainbow Crab?

The tricolour crab must imperatively live in an aquaterrarium. Indeed, it must be able to submerge and come out of the water as it wishes.

Its general environment is composed of sand, mangrove roots and rocks. The ground will be sandy and slightly wet because the crab digs burrows in it. A thick layer of sand will have to be installed. Plant many plants that will provide hiding places and complete the decor with roots for a more natural look.

These animals are not very fond of light. Dim the lights to encourage them to get out!


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