Bucephalandra Biblis " Dark Mini" Skjelden (minipotte)
- One of the most beautiful Bucephalandras
- Bushy, spreading habit
- Narrow, crispate leaves
- Dark red-brown tones
"Biblis Dark Mini" is an exceptional beauty among the Bucephalandras. Its exact locality and species belonging is unknown to us, but as all Bucephalandras, it occurs on rock along streams in Borneo. We propagate this Bucephalandra form in our aquaria for more than one year. Its narrrowly lanceolate leaves get about 4-5 cm long, having a crispate margin and acute tip. The rhizome is much branched, causing a bushy, spreading growth habit.
This Bucephalandra is not only very decorative but has also an excellent aquarium suitability. As well as other Bucephalandra forms, it is best used as epiphyte on rock or wood, however it can also be fixed to the ground, provided that the rhizome is not buried. It is easily propagated by cuttings. Medium lighting, good CO2 and nutrient supply and water current are recommendable.
Bucephalandra sp. "Biblis Dark Mini" is a versatile plant for the hardscape. In our opinion it deserves a wide distribution in the aquarium hobby.
with bluish shimmer

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