The CO2 diffuser is easy to disassemble, so it can be cleaned quickly.
Neo Mixer can be connected to external filters from other companies as well as to Neo Flow.
The package includes both left and right fasteners.
The Neo Mixer can be installed on the pressure branch of the Aquario Neo Flow and Premium Neo Flow. When used together with the Neo Skimmer, the Neo Mixer does not impair the surface cleaning ability of the Neo Skimmer at all.
By putting the CO2 diffuser in the water stream, we achieve a much better dissolution than if we just put it in the aquarium.
Unlike other companies' built-in diffusers, the Neo Mixer is easy to connect and disconnect from the spout.
The product contains an Aquario Neo Tiny CO2 diffuser and additional PETG plastic fittings. The diffuser can also be used separately.
Neo Mixer can also be connected to certain external filters from other companies. In the product photo, the Neo Mixer is placed on an Eheim push-side pipe.

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Company introduction
Aquario is pursuing that anyone can easily reproduce nature in aquarium
We remove unnecessary solutions and design products according to the principles of nature.
Chemical compositions are excluded as much as they can be. And it goes well with provision of nature.
Easy to use. Reasonable price.
Best quality. Optimal solution!