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Common Name: Anubias Paxing

Anubias Paxing is a relatively very new species of the popular Anubias aquatic plant. Anubias Paxing displays small, narrow leaves that are a rich green tone. This particular Anubias species grows almost flat and in a horizontal manner when placed in a planted aquarium. Its leaves are glossy and like all Anubias species, Anubias Paxing is quite hardy and undemanding making it a great choice for beginner hobbyists in the planted tank hobby. Anubias Paxing can adapt to a wide range of aquarium conditions and can be grown submerged in an aquarium or emerged in a terrarium-like setup.

Anubias Paxing's leaves are slightly concave and grow similarly to Anubias Nana's size. Like other Anubias, this variant is a flowering plant that grows best when the rhizome is attached to a hard surface such as wood or stones. They have low to medium light requirements and can benefit from regular fertilization. CO2 is not necessary but can promote faster growth and more robust leaves. Since its a slow grower, the leaves are susceptible to algae growth if placed under high lighting.   

Propagation is easy and straightforward; simply cut or pull apart rhizomes to be replanted. Make sure to keep the rhizomes above your substrate or the plant can begin to rot.  


  • Anubias are strong plants that can thrive in a variety of environments.
  • These epiphytes can be planted above the substrate or attached to hardscape.
  • Burying the rhizome, will cause the plant to melt and die.
  • Do not make drastic changes to the aquarium. Unstable parameters will result in melt and rotting of the aquarium plant.
  • Please be sure to remove this plant from its pot. For instructions on how to properly prep aquarium plants, click here.
  • CO2 injection and quality aquarium soil will yield better growth.
  • Please research appropriately to ensure your plant thrives.

Family Name: Araceae

Origin: West Africa

Height: 3-5"

pH: 6-7.5

Care: Easy

Light: Low

Co2: Not necessary


Growth rate: Slow to moderate


Akvarieboden Planter

Planter fra grossist i Nederland , Danmark Tropica og Polen


Plantene holder høy kvalitet 

mye spesielle planter som ikke er vanlig i handel i Norge 


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