Tackle the most demanding plants, or just enjoy everyday magic in tanks with more fish. The easiest way to unlock the true potential of your planted tank today.
Even for the simplest tank, good plant health helps prevent algae and keep fish happy.
APT ensures your plants get 100% of what they need.
Healthy plants, happy fish, algae-free.
The default dosing rate for APT Complete/APT Zero is 5ml per 100L, 4 times a week. Alternatively you can dose 3ml per 100L every day. Both routines should be combined with a 30% water change every week. This dosing rate has been tested to work well for most tanks, however, if you have a very sparsely planted tank or a very densely planted one, you should adjust the dosage based on observations on plant growth.
Each 5ml per 100L dose adds 3.8ppm Potassium (K), 0.05ppm Iron (Fe), 0.5ppm Magnesium (Mg) and additional amounts of Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo) and Zinc (Zn).
300 ml comes with a calibrated pump

2hr aquarist headquarters
The 2Hr Aquarist is perhaps best known for its Nitrate Limitation Capstone methodology which unlocks richer coloration and stronger growth in aquatic plants. It is an active thought-leader in planted aquarium science. It serves aspiring hobbyists through a suite of high performance products backed by an integrated success system: The 2Hr Way.
2Hr Aquarist Pte. Ltd.